Spring Into… Light + Color!
The light-filled photos in Simon’s Artist of the Month collection arrive just in time for Spring-forward. These photos transport us to the Eastern Plains and deliver a much-needed dose of sunshine. See for yourself!
Simon took many of these photographs outside on his family’s property – they live on over 40 acres of land in rural Colorado. The natural light he captures lends a vibrant crispness to his images, pairing nicely with shots that experiment with black and white tonality.
Simon had never taken a photography class before, and was just 16 years old when he signed up for Pablove Shutterbugs. His skillful compositions and thoughtful subject matter show his maturity as a photographer coming to life.
In this photo, the raw beauty of the rural landscape takes on a personality of it’s own. Simon experiments with creating a different type of landscape photograph than the ones he was used to taking. He remarks: “I got up earlier than I usually do to take a picture of a sunrise before 6 a.m. I took this at home from one of our porches. I like the colors of the sky and how the sun is starting to light the land.”
Can you guess which photo is Simon’s favorite? It’s this staged scene of a bionicle. Simon explains his technique: “I positioned him in the grass and made him look like he could be a full size robot. I went outside and got him set up and had to kinda lie down on the ground to get a good enough perspective.” The use of horizon line and the positioning of this character against the textured backdrop of the Colorado plains make him appear larger than life – primed to shoot off straight into outer space!
The title says it all! Simon expertly poses his dog, Panda, in a shot utilizing worm’s eye view. He explains, “This was also taken during the time that we were learning about perspective. I thought it would be kinda cool to get a picture of Panda looking up while I was down low on the ground.” This playful portrait captures his pup from a fresh angle.
This energetic self-portrait encapsulates Simon’s love for music. He poses for the camera, playing from sheet music while his sister looks on. Simon explains, “I tried to get the camera set up on the self timer. I had to do it more than once to get it good enough.” Practice makes perfect. Nice shot, Simon!
“Buy one of my photos and be awesome – you don’t have to do both but at least do one. If you buy this print you will be awesome not just because you have amazing taste, but you also will be supporting an awesome organization and cancer research.” – Simon
Simon is 18 years old. He lives in “The Middle of Nowhere”, Colorado (his words, not ours); about an hour outside of Denver, CO. Simon is very musically talented – he plays both the saxophone and the violin – and plays in a band. The next instrument he’s aiming to master is the guitar! He wants to be a professional musician when he gets older.