Going Golden
The golden hour is the magic hour. Most photographers know this to be true, but what does that really mean?
A quick Google search will tell you that during the golden hour, shadows are less dark, less harsh, and highlights are less likely to be overexposed. But the delightful subtleties of the golden hour are best explored in person during that hard-to-put-your-finger-on instant riiiight before the sun begins to set. And, if you’re a shutterbug, that’s the moment to snap your photo.
Are you getting a warm, fuzzy feeling yet? Long shadows and soft yellow hues characterize our “Golden Hour” collection. It’s hard to avoid the calming, comfortable mood radiating from these photographs. This fleeting time of day provides unique lighting to experiment with shadows, reflections, dimension, and color. Explore the magic of golden hour through the eyes of Pablove Shutterbugs students here.
For those in the know, “gold” has a deeper meaning. National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September uses the color to help raise awareness and urge others to support the cause of finding (and funding) cures for pediatric cancer.
We’ve already pledged to go gold. Will you do the same? Help fund our research grants by purchasing a print and positively affect the futures of kids living with cancer. Kick cancer’s butt with us!
Go on ahead and dip into this special collection. Bring a piece of the golden hour inside your home and savor the magic!