Divine Inspiration
There is plenty to celebrate for our newest Artist of the Month, Nadine. This Pablove Shutterbug recently graduated from the Los Angeles 8-week program, and she will be finishing up her chemotherapy in April! Nadine is 20 years old, from Los Angeles, and in addition to photography, she also loves to bake and spend time with her family. Nadine hopes that she will be able to attend a bible college so that she can understand the Bible more closely and deepen her spirituality. Now, let’s learn more about Nadine’s creative process and the inspiration for her work!
Nadine enjoyed photography before starting the Pablove Shutterbugs program, and through the one-on-one mentorship and classes at the Getty Center, she has learned about camera angles and expanded her creativity. Her favorite aspect of photography is composition, which she said “really make the difference.” Nadine drew much of her inspiration for these photos from the Bible and titled these beautifully framed images with some of her favorite verses.
I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5
This vibrant photo is Nadine’s favorite from this series of her work. She loves the bright colors of the oranges and leaves, but the tree itself holds some personal significance. This tree is located at her grandmother’s house, and she said she often eats these oranges when she visits.
I knew you before I formed you, before you were born I set you apart. -Jeremiah 1:5
The photo above is a great example of Nadine’s favorite subject to photograph: people! She loves capturing candid photos of people because it shows a more real and genuine view of their personality. Nadine notes that even though sometimes they don’t turn out well, there are many times, when they do.
Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31
Nadine captured an incredible moment here as the sun settled into the center of the basketball net. This hoop is at her house, and she said she likes to play basketball with her siblings. This photo is sure to speak to anyone who has a love of basketball.
Let your light shine before others. – Matthew 5:16
Nadine and her mentor worked together closely to create this inventive image. She turned the lights off and moved the camera in a circular motion while using filters from the camera settings. The light creating these swirly lines is actually coming from Christmas lights that were hanging against a curtain!
Even though Nadine is now a graduate of the Pablove Shutterbugs program, she plans on continuing photography and taking more pictures than ever before! Her favorite parts about being a Shutterbug were getting a camera and learning all the different ways to take pictures. When asked why supporters should purchase her prints, Nadine simply said, “for the cause!”
We are so impressed by the body of work Nadine created over the last couple of months, and we can’t wait to see what else she will capture in beautiful ways. Go Nadine!